Behind Closed Doors The Emotional Struggles of an Indoor Cat

I have seen with my own two eyes that a family has kept a cat in the house and they close it with the door of their house. 

Explore the emotional challenges indoor cats face and how their confined lifestyle affects their well-being and behavior.

 It is tied with a strap around the cat's neck due to which the cat cannot run away anywhere and I saw that white cat with blue eyes which is its own when it sees people going on the road. 

After watching it was entertaining, I felt like that cat was living in a prison and trying to calm down a little bit by looking at the surroundings to entertain himself. 

I'm trying to be humble because I feel like if a cat is kept indoors, a lot of behaviors develop in the cat, one of which is a mood that most cats have. In a state of anger, she remains in a state of irritability.

Explore the emotional challenges indoor cats face and how their confined lifestyle affects their well-being and behavior.

 She does not like any other person to be near her. A new guy comes and it's noisy and she feels cramped because she's already closed off, so her emotions are already out of control and she gets very nervous when she sees people's offense and herself.

It feels lonely which makes it lonely and it's a very sad time for a pet cat to see no reason to live. All the owners do is If they feed the cat themselves, then such owners are deceiving their cats a lot. She is entitled to have her vaccinations etc.

After feeding it is considered an owner's responsibility to give Millie love and affection over time. Not that he kept a cat as a pet in his house.

Explore the emotional challenges indoor cats face and how their confined lifestyle affects their well-being and behavior.

Behind Closed Doors The Emotional Struggles of an Indoor Cat Behind Closed Doors The Emotional Struggles of an Indoor Cat Reviewed by Rizwan Malik on June 30, 2021 Rating: 5

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