Such pet dogs, which should be kept in the villages as protection, in the camp, etc., if they are kept here in the farmhouse, what benefits can be obtained from them and what harm can be done, then let's talk about the harm first, which is my view.
I say that the damage is only to the grain and taking the grain is considered a trivial matter because the grain is very important to the animal, not a living person.
They do not and do not understand that they should be killed in loyalty to their owner, but they are loyal.
Such dogs have the habit of waking up at night, resting during the day, and being active at night in such a way that they are If they feel it, then they know that there is a drop, they sense the danger very quickly, they also sense a beast by its smell, and the news of it reaches them.
They quickly detect that a bloodthirsty animal is coming towards them, which may harm the owner's animals. They keep doing their duty day and night in loyalty to their owner.
The owner protects the animals. If a thief comes, they drive him away immediately.
He is sitting at his house and watching what is happening in his farmhouse, whether it is day or night, sitting in the neighborhood, he is taking a view that his animals are safe or not, who is doing what, and what else.
He is watching all this. In such a case, the owner sees that a thief has come and how the dogs have shown loyalty and chased away the thief, so the owner is happy.

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