I would like to present to you my view on the relationship between the horse and the owner.
It is a very strong relationship that no one can break. Be with his close friend and that friendship cannot be broken, just as the relationship between a horse and a human cannot be broken, it is a strong bond that is difficult not impossible to break.
A horse is very polite and respectful of man. It never likes its owner to fall from its back, even when attacked by an enemy.
I think the loyalty of a horse is more important than you can imagine. The friendship between a horse and a human is very sweet. A horse is a loyal animal whose loyalty no one can doubt.
There are different types of horses like Arabian horses, native horses, and other types.
I am going to talk about a horse that is a common breed, that is, no special breed, but that horse is in villages that have it and they do not know the value of this horse, in such a case, it is like a donkey from a horse.
They start working and understand that this is not a horse, it is a donkey, I am talking about a horse, I am not talking about a mule or a donkey.
He will have a lot of love and affection with him, he will be very fond of horses, and he will be able to understand their importance well.
Loves the owner and likes to live his life happily and does not like his owner to oppress him or try to diminish his importance.

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