The cow is one such fruit that has been killed by jinn. Will also get a lot of benefits. Along with the benefits, you will enjoy the fact that there are many benefits of cows and how they can be used. In this article, I will talk about them. Wala Hoon is about a cow that people in villages keep in their tents. Full details about how the farmers put it to use.
The people who use the cow as a farm which is also known as the tooth in general, that is, the tooth is a very powerful animal, which is eaten by the cow, then it is used by the people for farming.
If people do not have tractors or machinery, in such a case, they use bulls, that is, the milk of a cow can also be called a bull, so people use a bull for farming. It does not happen. Bay'at has a lot of power. There is so much power inside a bull that if a person gets hit by one of its horns, that person can die.
They may become angry and they may die. It is such a powerful animal that you cannot deny its importance. If you are not familiar with technology, even in today's age, I have seen that people use cows as farm animals and do not use technology and it is a laborious task, but still cows can do it. And does not offend his master.
In the villages, it is the time of the morning when the sun's rays have not yet reached the ground that the farmer wakes up after finishing his sleep and the first thing he wakes up is after washing his face and hands. He goes to his cow, milks it, and has breakfast with that milk, makes butter from it, makes cheese from it, makes tea from it, makes lassi from it, and uses it for other such things. What happens is the evening time. There are now two times in the evening time.
One time is when the sun has set. One time is before there is a beautiful group. He goes to the cow and extracts its milk and drinks night tea from the milk and also likes to drink milk and if there is a lot of milk more than your family then they earn money by selling it if they keep more cows. If so, people do the business of milk with great passion and earn their daily living by selling milk.

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