In this article I am going to talk about the people who live in villages who have their farmhouses or tents etc but still, if they don't keep goats as pets at home then how much is it for them. How beneficial or harmful it can prove to be
My purpose in writing this article is not that I am talking about a person who lives in an urban area, who lives in a small space and works his job, etc., who does not have time to keep an animal.
No, no, I am going to talk about a person who has a tent in the villages and has open space available to him, and he has also kept domestic animals like cows, buffaloes, etc., but he has not kept goats. If this person is not fond of goats, then I will talk about the mentality of the person and whether it is beneficial for him not to have goats or he is suffering a loss. Not keeping
Whenever we think of people in villages, a few things immediately come to our mind. Immediately, I get the idea that we are talking about villages.
Now people living in villages do not know why they feel so much lack of time. A mansion has been built in which all the animals are kept except goats. Do goats eat more food? Do goats occupy more space? Do goats bother their owners more? are going
So all these questions came to my mind because what is the reason why people don't pay attention to this? Why don't they like to keep goats? What are the major reasons?
I want to say this, and I'm not ashamed to say it, because I want to tell the truth, and telling the truth is a good thing. If people have enough space, people can keep goats. It will be a great achievement.
Goats give birth to new children very quickly. Every six months, a goat gives birth to at least three to four children. So 12 months means that a goat gives birth twice in a year, yet people do not raise goats, they may not understand how much they can benefit from it.

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