In this article, I am not going to talk about today's technology because today's era is going on in such a way that when you want to convey your message to someone, you don't have to walk in a few steps. If you want to share something special about yourself with someone, you will only take out your mobile phone and immediately dial the number of the person to whom you want to send the message and send your message to him.
If you want to show a gift or something else to your talent or a friend, you can immediately take a photo and send it or you can make a video call and show your gift or your special thing. A close friend or relative of the person sitting in any corner of the world will receive your message immediately and will immediately see what you want to say,. It will also give you an answer, so it is much easier to convey your message.
Now I am going to talk about the past, centuries ago, but at that time there was no technology. During this time, it was considered a common thing to use a horse. If there was no horse, what would have happened? I cannot say anything about how people would convey their message to others. If he had carried the message on foot, it would have taken him a month, and if he had done it on horseback, he would have been able to complete it in a few days.

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