A pet cat easily integrates with the family and they have to face a few difficulties in the beginning, the most difficult of which is that if the pet cats are shifted to a new home, they often It is common that the first thing they do to annoy their owner is to urinate anywhere but when the owner tells them to.
He explains and slowly she realizes that this is her house or she has to stay, this time she will get food and here she has to urinate so over time with a cat up.
The cat gets along and understands you. If well cared for, a cat can live for at least 15 to 20 years, which is quite a long time. For example, if you have children in your house, they will love the cat and they will play with the cat.
The cat will play with them. She doesn't like a wild cat entering her house, she tries to chase it away.
After a long time together, you become infatuated with the cat, and some people start treating the cat as their daughter, like their son, and consider them as their children and treat them as such.
Caring for them as far as celebrating with them on their birthdays and hanging out with them, trying to keep them happy wherever they go, taking the cat with them, and spending time with them. Living with a cat A cat influences you by its actions, its actions, and its behavior. Especially happy and even older ones love to take care of something that can give it something in return. Only give you happiness.

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