There are two types of cats, one is the domesticated one, from which people give birth to children and send them away or keep them as pets in homes.
The other cats are the wild cats. These are the cats that make the environment very dirty, on the one hand, and on the other hand, they also play a part in making the environment good.
No, but I would still say that there is still some part that the feral cat has a role in improving the environment, but in general it has been seen that people's attitudes towards the feral cat have changed.
They don't have good thoughts. They don't think the wild cat is a good animal.
Keeping this in mind, I would like to say that two types of cats are not even wild, and one type is the very gentle cats that do not bother anyone and keep their work low. If they get something to eat, it's good, otherwise, they don't do any harm and go away quietly. Can also cause some kind of harm, especially to your children, so you should protect your children from such cats, they should be protected.
These diseases that enter the house cause a lot of damage to your pet cats or pets because the disease is transmitted from wild cats to pets and there are viruses that you don't even think about. What kind of virus is this, which is very difficult to find a solution for? Are building their houses where the animals were supposed to live, and settlements are being built due to which such wild animals are facing a lot of difficulties to live Among such animals there is a cat which is It is affected by its environment and is affected a lot because of people because of humans it becomes forbidden to live it is also God's creation and pitying cats is also a very important thing if you have a cat.
In other words, if you get angry with a wild cat because of its behavior because of its actions, or because of any damage to it, then you should try not to harm it in any way and not kill him because killing a wild animal is a very bad habit and bad nature.
If the cat is bothering you, you should keep the windows and doors of your house closed and open them only when necessary so that wild cats cannot enter your house and if they do enter, drive them away by sounding.
Give and try, if you can't, give them a little bit of their portion and they will take it, but don't hurt them.

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