Exploring the Minds of Nature My Take on Intelligent Animals

 In this article I am going to talk about the animals that are domesticated and domesticated and new as well as they have some characteristics that cannot be found in any other animal. 

Delve into the fascinating world of intelligent animals, as I share my insights on their remarkable cognitive abilities and behaviors in nature.

 I have observed that there are certain animals that their owner trains them in such a way that they understand everything that their owner says. 

 So he understands his owner, indeed, if he smells the owner, then he knows where my owner is. Among intelligent animals, there are such animals that if the owner says or indicates something, the animal immediately He understands what he has to do. 

The owner says you go, the animal starts walking. The owner says stop, the animal stops. If you stop eating, then he will stop, so every animal is either not trained or every animal is not so intelligent, I don't know about it, so I don't want to describe it, I just describe what I know. I like. 

An animal can understand a person's words only when the animal falls in love with a person. Among the animals that do not understand, people say that a donkey is an animal that does not understand the owner's words, but I have seen such donkeys among donkeys.

 I have seen that some of the owner's signs and some things are understood, for example, if an owner is taking a donkey with his donkey cart, then the owner should stop and go to the shop with him to buy something. When the owner comes back, then the owner calls out that the donkey should take the cart and come towards me. 

Delve into the fascinating world of intelligent animals, as I share my insights on their remarkable cognitive abilities and behaviors in nature.

Then the opportunity immediately starts turning towards the owner. If you go around like this and come to me, the donkey will come around. The purpose of the latter is that there are some things that animals can understand. Emotions are found in humans. Other than humans, animals also have some emotions. For example, if anger is found in humans, then anger is found in animals. If compassion is found in humans, then compassion is found in animals.

 It is found that human beings have feelings of love and affection. Animals also have feelings of love and affection. Humans sometimes become very sad. In the same way, an animal can also be sad. I think that if If a person keeps an animal, then the animal sees its owner and understands what state my owner is in. The animal understands that my owner is worried or happy. Can be annoying.

Also, I want to mention that if an owner is separated from his animal, in that case the animal may die from the shock, the animal becomes so sad that it stops eating and drinking, remembering its owner all the time. Loses and stops eating and drinking, it becomes weak and can even die. Separation from the owner is a separation that the animal cannot bear

Delve into the fascinating world of intelligent animals, as I share my insights on their remarkable cognitive abilities and behaviors in nature.

Exploring the Minds of Nature My Take on Intelligent Animals Exploring the Minds of Nature My Take on Intelligent Animals Reviewed by Rizwan Malik on September 27, 2024 Rating: 5

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