In this article I am going to talk about horse racing and human greed, besides how a man can be so selfish that if he loses the race, he can even cut off the horse's legs.
This article of mine is not at all to describe the evil of a human being, not at all to hurt anyone's feelings, but my purpose is something else, so this is my article regarding those who like the horses.
Some time ago, I wrote one of my I heard closely that in some countries there are small areas that are not only small, but also a few of the people who live in them have small thoughts.
This person told me that some such people There are also people in this world that if their horse beats them in a race, i.e. their horse loses a race, in such a case they even cut off their horse's legs in a state of anger. Now I don't know.
I don't say how it can happen or not because I have not seen it myself, I have only heard it, so you should not believe what you hear, but if it is so, then in this case I am writing the article. Now I understand that a human being. One should not be so intoxicated with wealth, one should not be so proud that one does not even understand that the one who has won the race is also a horse and there is no other animal.
He can do this. Are there not the richest people in the world? Has he not lost to anyone? If you want to adopt it, you should also check it on your own life to see if it hurts only animals or humans too. If a horse loses a race, it can be for many reasons. It may be that this horse does not have enough strength, this horse may not have such good food, that horse may not be his bill, because even naturally, one human being can be different from another human being, so an animal.
It can also be different from other animals. In all kinds of features, it is now seen in humans that there are some people who have a very quick mind, they make decisions very quickly, in addition to people who are slow and quick. If they are not able to make a decision, the family also intervenes in it.
Maybe he is born with a mind so that he is not very intelligent. In the same way, I would like to say the same about an animal that animals also have a mind. It can be physically and mentally weak.

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