Stray Dogs in Cities and Villages A Growing Challenge

In this blog of mine, I am going to talk about dogs that live in all kinds of environments in cities, and villages, and are called stray dogs or wild dogs. They are dogs that have both advantages and disadvantages. 

Explore the growing challenge of stray dogs in cities and villages, examining both the dangers and benefits they bring to our communities.

 If you are staying at night and stray dogs and thieves are coming at night, you will know that someone is present because of the hunger of such a stray dog. 

Otherwise, these dogs start barking at each other, so the human cannot decide that there is a problem or if they are barking anyway, then this seems to be of little benefit to me. 

They should not be oppressed, whether they are doing harm or benefit, they should not be oppressed in any way, and they should not be killed for no reason.  It's because they do a lot of damage, but apart from that, you can't do it yourself, start beating them with sticks, it's wrong.  

Explore the growing challenge of stray dogs in cities and villages, examining both the dangers and benefits they bring to our communities.

Children are usually attacked and I have seen many times that if a dog attacks a child, the other dogs who are his companions, because it is a gang, also attack this attack.  

Due to this, the life of the child can also be lost, if known, there can be a lot of injuries, the recovery of which will take months.  Will try for no reason if your pet birds or small pets harm them too.  

They can even bite a normal human being, there is a lightness in them, that is, they become crazy and because of this madness, they try to harm a human being, and they succeed many times, so it is a threat to human life.  There are huge alarm bells.

Explore the growing challenge of stray dogs in cities and villages, examining both the dangers and benefits they bring to our communities.

Stray Dogs in Cities and Villages A Growing Challenge Stray Dogs in Cities and Villages A Growing Challenge Reviewed by Rizwan Malik on September 15, 2024 Rating: 5

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