The Hidden Economy of Canine Crime Detection and Breeding

 In this blog, I am going to talk about a breed of dog that I have a theory about and may or may not be true to what I write in all of my blogs.

Explore the profitable world of training and breeding dogs for crime detection and their role in a hidden economy.


I apologize if anyone is offended by this, so let's start. It is often seen that people who sell dogs form a team of their own in business. Some races are used to find a thief, to find a murderer, to find a robbery, or to solve such and many other problems. How will these people train them and how will they perform their duties? The trainer's job is to train the dogs. 

He is the one who takes care of and the one who does the check-ups medical etc. is his job to see him and treat him regarding his illness etc. but generally, it is seen that one person performs all these duties.

Explore the profitable world of training and breeding dogs for crime detection and their role in a hidden economy.

 Giving is the job of checking him up, taking care of him, feeding him, training him, it's all there and the dog is not one, many dogs have to be trained

After training, finding a solution to any problem takes a long time or it is solved in a few hours, but in both cases, the owner of the dog gets the benefit because of this. 

This is that the substance is done in such a way that if a thief is caught or not caught, in both cases the owner is coming from a distance and taking his animal and increasing the rent, etc. 

Whether his work is done by the next person or not, he has to do his duty properly, so if the dog catches the accused, in that case, there is some hope of not being found by the owner, but if he is not able to do so, then the same fee will be charged.

What was decided was to raise the dog from childhood and I will explain it separately. There are problems and if you are hired for any of these problems you will get a profit, what are the benefits of keeping these dogs for breeding?

Explore the profitable world of training and breeding dogs for crime detection and their role in a hidden economy.
The Hidden Economy of Canine Crime Detection and Breeding The Hidden Economy of Canine Crime Detection and Breeding Reviewed by Rizwan Malik on September 15, 2024 Rating: 5

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