Because stray dogs are ours, they don't have intelligence, they don't have intelligence, they don't have an owner, they are born from the breeding of stray dogs and they grow up playing with these stray dogs. They are counted among the stray dogs, so when they grow up, it is easy, for they are called our dogs.
If it falls, he takes the same behavior as he learned from the environment. Stray dogs do not have a special home. If someone throws bread in front of a dog for four days, i.e. Guru, I mean, if someone feeds the dog for four days, the dog becomes his fan, then the dog follows him, whether he is loyal or not.
It is a separate thing that the dog likes to have his company and also likes to protect him. The dog does not feel greedy that someone fed him that he is our dog. I saw a scene in which A servant used to throw the dogs that lived in his villages in his village as stray dogs and if they had something he had, they would eat them.
It became a habit that whenever he had excess food, he would throw it away and the dogs would eat it, so that gradually the dogs became fans of him and would follow him wherever he went. That person was an old person who lived in a village and he used to feed all the stray dogs in the village, so many of them became fans of him and started treating him with love. Wherever he was going on this bicycle, there must have been two or four or one dog in his area with him. Incidentally, he briefly told me that it was his daily routine that if he had excess food, he would throw it to the dogs and the dogs would eat it, and the dogs liked it.
And they followed him, and he also forbade them, but the dogs did not stay. I felt a very strange thing to hear because I had never seen it before. Still, the man is alive and with him. The same things are happening and to some extent, the old man himself is asking a little too much.

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