About this article, I would like to present a few things and I would like to say that in my opinion, there are two types of pet dogs, one type is the pet dog that people keep in their homes as a hobby.
These types of pet dogs and the other types I will talk about are dogs that are so to speak pets but are used to protect themselves, to protect their animals, to protect all things in their business. Usually in rural areas, they are in tents, they are in farmhouses, they are kept to protect your animals, protect your birds, and in this regard, they are raised daily. But they are trained.
When they are trained, they start their duties. For those who keep dogs as a hobby, the things that are found in dogs are less found in other types. When a dog is raised, it is raised with the idea that it loves and hates its dog daily. If the owner is angry, he will talk in anger. If he is soft, if he is gentle, then he is affectionate.
If he is in love, such dogs show a lot of loyalty. They are more loyal to their owner. So you will sacrifice your whole life for yourself. If the master is dead, he has gone away from him, then they stop eating and drinking and they also die.
For example, a neighborhood has taken a dog with them, the dog is sitting outside and the owner has gone inside to a hospital or somewhere else inside the house, so the dog will sit outside and wait, even if it dies there due to hunger, etc. However, what is common with other types of pet dogs is that people who train them to be human tend to be very careful with their pets.
How do they keep the cats from allowing wild cats to come near them and do not allow a thief etc. to enter the house, do not allow them to go near the camp, stop them there and drive them away or bite them and The next step is that their lives are a little scary.

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