What is the nature of cats?
Cats like to be independent. Cats are independent by nature. Cats do not like to be forced to live according to their wishes. But despite all these things, if they can be trained, many people conclude due to wrong training that it is not an easy task to train cats, freedom is written in their nature. It is in nature to be free.
How is training possible?
There are a few steps you can take to train cats in general that will make them easier to street train.
1. Care of cats
The first step is to improve the cat care routine, focusing all your efforts on what foods the cat likes and dislikes, and providing food on time in case of illness. Immediate treatment etc
2. To forgive mistakes
In the beginning, it happens that because cats are independent, they think of themselves as independent, but their owner is noticing their mistakes, so if the cats are making mistakes, try to What should be done is not to put any kind of pressure on them, do not use such a tone that makes it difficult to train the cat but keep giving it little by little according to the routine with easy words and love. Slowly, the cat will understand you and will understand your mood, and will understand your environment. It can be not a difficult but an impossible task because any pet takes time to adapt to the environment so you should also give it time so that you can get a good result.
3. Awarding a prize
During training, if the cat is understanding you, understanding your cues, understanding your words, and picking up your movements, then if she is giving you good results, then I think you should reward him, this will help the cat to pay more attention to you, to your cues, to your words, so he will train faster. Rewards can be different things like That is, providing the cat's favorite food, etc. In this way, the training will not take much time, but your cat will be trained quickly.
4. Suggesting a cat name
A cat should have a specific name so that when you call it, it will immediately understand that you are calling it. It should be a good name. It should be something that the cat doesn't like, but a good name that immediately attracts the cat and pays attention to you.
5. Protecting the cat
In terms of training, you must protect the cat as well as train it. If a stray dog attacks him or another animal harms him, some things in your house can harm the cat. Protect the cat in such a way that the cat trusts you completely and if she can trust anyone, she should trust you.
6. Setting up cat diet plans
Along with training, it is also important to make a diet plan for the cat, so that the cat gets its food at a fixed time and according to its diet plan, neither too nutritious nor too little, but consult the doctor, ask the doctor. If the vet makes you a diet plan, then follow the diet plan as directed by the vet. There will be no protection from diseases.
What negative effects can reading have on the health of cats?
If you look at the health of cats, many reasons can have a bad effect on the health of cats and will also hurt training due to health. When you are training a cat. So, in the meantime, you have to be patient. So it can cause a lot of damage. It can have negative effects on the cat's health. It can have negative effects on the cat's training.
What should the atmosphere be like?
Why is it important to provide an environment for cat training? What kind of environment is important to provide? They need protection. Cats want a place where they can be protected. There should be a comfortable environment where the cat can spend their time well. Spending time together is important to keep cats engaged in some activity so cats don't become lazy.
The result
Regarding training a cat, I have concluded that training a cat is not an easy task but it is not an impossible task. There are many other methods besides the steps that have been described because this period It is the era of technology. Technology has developed so much that it is easy for a man to do everything. These facilities have been created, so in this era, from the care of pets to their checks, all the facilities have been made easy by technology. The important thing about training cats is to train them slowly and the training time should be very short.
Do not train them for a long time. She will not be able to pay attention and in short type, she will be able to pay attention, so try to explain to the cat in a short time with gestures and words and apply new techniques to the cat with a slow routine. He has a very sharp mind, and along with training, never put any kind of burden on him. Gentleness is very important for a noble person. A noble person always loves animals, no matter what kind of animal they are. There are free animals, they like to keep themselves free, but because of love and affection, they are ready to obey everything you say. Love and affection are the only things in the world that can win the hearts of any animal.
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