Why is Hydration Important for Cats
It is undisputed that hydration is one of the most important aspects of a cat’s overall health and well-being. Drinking water helps with almost every function in the cat’s body, such as metabolism, circulation, and thermoregulation. If a cat’s body fails to take in an appropriate amount of water, then its organs won’t work properly, exposing it to multiple dangers.
Cats are not the most motivated to drink water. This is even more true for cats that eat dry food more often. This makes it imperative to monitor a cat's water intake to avoid urinary tract infections, as well as kidney and other associated problems.
Main Reasons for Dehydration in Cats
The cat’s body will lose water due to many reasons such as disease, unavailability of water sources, or high temperatures. These conditions (severe kidney disease, diabetes, hyperthyroid disease) make cats more susceptible to dehydration.
Excessive vomiting or diarrhea can also constitute the cause of dehydration in cats. Due to the above sequelae, the cat’s body will quickly lose water or electrolytes. Some aged cats or feline patients with poor oral hygiene may drink fewer amounts of water, hence making them dehydrated.
Key Symptoms to Watch For
If pet owners are aware of the signs of dehydration early on, their cat’s health can be greatly improved over time. These include Lethargy, dry gums, sunken eyes, loss of skin turgor, and immediate types of fluid losses occurring inside and outside the cell. The last one can be evaluated by a sewn stitch test where the loose skin covering the back of a cat’s neck is pinched. If it stretches but fails to rapidly assume its original structure, the cat might be dehydrated.
Other symptoms include loss of appetite, increased heart rate, and panting. If these warning signs appear in your cat, it is very important to take appropriate measures to ensure the animal is rehydrated and in certain cases seek veterinary assistance as soon as possible.
How to Prevent Dehydration
The ability to rehydrate is related to giving your cat easy access to fresh water at all times. Worrying about a cat's water bowl might not be a concern however, try to get a water fountain as many cats are likely to enjoy drinking more water. Moist wet cat food should also be recommended to provide nutrition and additional hydration compared to dry lots of kibble.
You should always keep a check on the amount of water your cat drinks and alter the quantity when there are high temperatures or your animal is sick. Dusting around the house with containers filled with non-alcoholic drinks may persuade your pet to drink more often.
When to Consult A Veterinarian
If you notice that your cat seems to be dehydrated and the home management measures are not effective, you should get veterinary care as soon as possible. It should be noted that the effects of dehydration can be severe and medical treatment is necessary.
In such situations, your veterinarian can give injections of either subcutaneous or intravenous fluids to quickly restore your cat’s fluid balance. They will also determine the root cause of the dehydration to treat it and avert future instances.
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