In this article, I am going to talk about people's views about people living in villages and about animals that do not like to fight themselves but people force them to fight.
So I'm going to talk about the people living in the villages first of all such people I think can be somewhat psychopathic because a decent person doesn't like to fight an animal. Because fighting is not a good thing but a very bad thing
So there are few people who have this hobby and abuse animals for their entertainment. This means they also give him food etc. and also make a small swimming pool for him which the pig enjoys, but they do all this so that he can fulfill his bad hobby.
To accomplish this, they do it like this: on the one hand, the pig is confined in a four-walled enclosure that cannot get out, so the four-walled enclosure has small walls, which can often be soil.
If it is made from, then those people leave a dog on top of that pig and both animals are opposite to each other i.e. the dog is the hunter and the pig is the victim, so the dog tries to kill the pig and the pig tries. In order to save his life, he kills the dog and they fight in this conflict I have also seen the result of this fight that one of the two animals may die if the death does not happen.
However, it may happen that the general dies after being sick for some time and such a death is a very painful death for an animal because that animal feels a lot of pain due to its wounds and the intensity of that pain Yes, there may be some people who want to strip their dog, administer its medicine, etc. After watching this scene, they go home after having fun and don't care which animal is in which condition.
These people do not care about which animal dies, which animal survives, which animal gets injured, or which animal wins and which animal loses. If it runs away, they then catch and throw the dog in front of the pig to fight with it and repeat this process again and again until the pig can kill the dog.
More dogs let loose on that pig and those more dogs kill that animal so they get entertainment watching them kill two animals for their pleasure and they don't feel that it's good. Are doing or doing bad things but it is not a good thing, they should understand that doing such cruelty to both animals is a very bad thing.

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