Cat abuse incident
In this block post of Aaj, I am going to tell about the abuse of a cat and this incident happened in a country in a city in a city. This incident is a painful story of a cat who was a pet cat.
In this block post of Aaj, I am going to tell about the abuse of a cat and this incident happened in a country in a city in a city. This incident is a painful story of a cat who was a pet cat.
So the incident is like this two young boys who were about 14 to 16 years old and those two boys were cousins ​​of each other i.e. they were students. A lot of mistakes are made without knowing it. A person does not understand what he has done. There are also many mistakes that a person makes without knowing it because he is young and has less intelligence. As consciousness grows in man, ego begins, so I would like to begin this event.
Boys' Mistakes and Society
It often happens that if the society becomes a silent spectator, then it becomes difficult to do good work in the society, rather it does not happen. So that the mistake cannot be made by someone else, then the role of the society is also included.
Mistakes at a young age
When a new youth comes, it also brings mistakes because in youth, a person is excited and in the excitement, a person becomes unconscious, due to which the chances of making more mistakes increase. I don't understand why I am making mistakes, which create insecurity in society. In childhood, if the company of parents is taken, a person can avoid many evils. Keep an eye on their movements and activities so that they know that their children are not studying in any wrong way. They can be harmful to them and can even kill them. You may be thinking that my title is different and what I have started talking about, I would like to move on to the main point.
Cats and Society
Cats are found in every society. In this era, humans are becoming more distant from humans. They are getting closer to technology. The way relationships used to be in the past, in this era, and this era, there is a big difference. Man has become silent, man has no power to speak. Humans are getting attached to animals after technology and where humans are involved in establishing a relationship with animals after technology, technology is affecting humans a lot. Where technology has many advantages, technology also has disadvantages. It is as if a person falls into wrongdoing by resorting to technology and technology has settled in the mind of a person in such a way that a person has started looking at animals in terms of technology. The reason is that the mind of a person is slow.
Slowly it has started to change, and the emotions within human beings are being affected where Humans used to be very attached to animals, but now human beings have the technology foremost in the way that technology can have positive and negative aspects like this. Humans can have a positive or negative attitude towards animals, so among animals, the cat is an animal that has become so popular that almost more homes will start raising it as a pet. People are adopting cats. Are giving or receiving as a gift, the number is increasing and there are people in society whose character can be negative rather than positive if the animal is owned by a person with negative thinking, What will be its value?
What was the event?
An incident is an incident as you have seen in the title so I would like to go to the incident. When youth is young it brings mistakes. The humanity of man is discussed in it.
The way the number of cats in the world is increasing day by day and people are keeping them as pets, adopting them, and buying them, then its negative effects also leave an impact on society. In a house, they become friends because they have the same comfort and they have to stay in the same place regarding studies, so where they move towards the positive side, negative effects are also found in the same way that the house Those two boys were living in this house. A cat was living in this house which was a pet cat.
What the boys did could be due to various reasons as the technology has become common like mobile phones, internet, social media, etc web. Sites that are unethical and not difficult to access can be accessed at a young age which is having a negative impact. So one reason could be access to inappropriate content from the Internet. In addition, wrong associations, I mean friendships that create negative feelings, may be the reason why young boys start to develop illicit relationships with cats in such a way that their brains may be like this. or because of watching some such material, their thinking has become in such a way that they think like this, they have started the wrongdoing with a routine, by routine I mean three to four times a week.
They used to do unethical things with the cat and after some days or weeks the cat became sick and in the state of sickness it became like a living corpse when the family saw that the family saw the cat was very sick, so human sympathy was found, and the family took the cat with them and went to the doctor. There has been an immoral act and such an immoral act that the two pussy holes have become one. When the family came to know about this, they investigated how it happened and found out that these two cousins ​​were What were the unethical things that caused the cat to become this condition?
What happened after that?
After that, this thing went viral and went on social media. When this thing went on social media, it reached me through social media. When I read this news, I was extremely shocked. I was very sad.
The doctors started treating the cat after checking him up and started treating him and I don't know what happened to the younger boys but I have to say it's not going to be good. The way the population is increasing in the world, the negative effects are also increasing and the positive effects are decreasing. It is important to highlight the positive aspects so that the generation gets a good message. It is an insult to humanity to do such unethical things with animals.
The result
In conclusion, I would like to say that there can be many reasons for such incidents as I mentioned above internet education has become easy, every home has an internet facility whether a home is literate or illiterate must use the internet. Where internet access has become very easy and people have got unlimited facilities, where it has become very easy to connect and all matters of life have become easy, then there have been many positive effects, but where The number of positive effects is very high but at the same time there is no decrease in the negative effects, so in the future, such internet system should be changed to introduce a system in which access to unethical content is not allowed.
If it is not possible at an early age, then only this problem will be solved and the negative effects can be reduced. In addition, parents should pay special attention to young boys and check their activities routinely. One should know how their friends are so that the positive effects spread and the negative effects gradually diminish.
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