In today's blog post, I discuss how people are adopting new ways to make pets their income and some ways pets are making money.
The greatest source
The biggest source of earning from pets is the biggest platform and that is YouTube, through YouTube people are earning millions upon millions. Everyone is familiar, be it young, be it old, be it old, be it poor, be it a man, everyone knows what YouTube is and on YouTube, you can find the solution to all your problems. Far Hai In this era, people watch videos and entertain themselves People come to YouTube for various reasons, if they have a problem, they come to YouTube, some come as a hobby, and some come to pass the time, there are many reasons why people come to YouTube.
They visit and millions of people come every day according to the Arabs my number may be less or more but it is such a number that I cannot describe where the population of the world is increasing. Along with this, people's searches are increasing People are searching more and more about this on the internet and trying to find the solution to their problems, etc. So this is a huge platform.
How do you earn through YouTube?
Some of the ways YouTube monetizes are people creating vlogs, sharing their daily routines with their audience, and anyone who watches them considers them part of their family.
They are also the kind of people who want to have a farm where they keep different kinds of cattle, different kinds of pets, and maybe even birds if they want. In this regard, if they are not able to fulfill their desire, then they entertain themselves by watching videos and they are entertained by the vlogger's habits, their words their animals, and an environment that affects them so much that they break the routine. They start watching regularly and if they miss even one episode, they watch it again when they get time, so they are earning in this way.
How can this be possible?
Today is the era of technology, and this is not a difficult task anymore, what do people do who are uneducated, they ask someone to create a YouTube channel and someone has a mobile phone, and they start a vlog on a mobile phone if someone already has one. If there are animals, it becomes easier for him, he shares his routine through videos on YouTube, so he makes daily videos and uploads them on YouTube because he has a channel or makes it himself. If so, the procedure is also very easy, there is no difficulty, yes, you just have to go to YouTube, there you get the option of creating a new account, then from there you create a new account, for that you have to If you want to create Gmail, then Gmail is also created very easily.
You write on Google that Gmail and click on Gmail and the option below will appear if you click on Sign in and write your name etc. below. Write the password of the words, then do Gmail Next Next, then it becomes not difficult. This is not a blog post.
After creating a channel, they start sharing videos routinely and uploading a new video every day, which gradually increases their audience through this video. They subscribe to the channel, from which they get daily information that the video has arrived, then they watch the videos and enjoy them, but the way the earner starts earning more and more people will come. When AIDS comes on YouTube, the earnings will start and the more people, the more traffic will come, the more earnings will be, so the traffic will be so much earnings that it will become an economic source of human beings.
Is it just YouTube or is there any other way?
Apart from YouTube there are many other ways like TikTok, on Tik Tok they make small reels and share when they have more followers then they sit online they talk to different people who are visitors, do gifting, they also earn money, in addition, they can sell their animals online and buy new animals. Because nowadays it has become easy to sell your animals online. You will have to learn how to sell animals easily when you learn, you will also do it as a business.
You can post prices etc and sell your animals and you can raise new animals and sell them and earn money in this way also you can sell milk online and so on. You can make customers who take it daily and you can send milk to them through cash-in-delivery, but for that, you will have to work very hard.
The result
In my last words, I want to say that there are many benefits of pets. Human life has been made easier by technology. Humans should not underestimate the value of animals. Animals are benefiting humans somewhere. Why should it not be your economic means I have mentioned above how people are making their income from animals, so where they are making income, they should tell them what is the value and importance of animals.
Many positive effects are spread, the future generations get a good message about the value of animals so that the negative effects can be eliminated and aspects that lead to negative thinking rather than positive ones. Aspects need to be highlighted.

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